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Overnight Oats - The All Day Dessert

If you think that oatmeal only comes in a heaping bowl of mush, then this will open up your world. Seriously, overnight oats are one of my favorite breakfasts/snacks. I’d even go so far as to call them dessert worthy! Yes, they are that good! It’s definitely possible to have a delicious, wholesome snack that tastes like dessert.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for a steaming bowl of oats surrounded by maple syrup and milk of your choice. There isn’t anything wrong with them. In fact, during the cold, wintery months a hot bowl of oatmeal can be just the thing to warm your soul (and hands!). There are, however, plenty of people who are turned off at the prospect of slurping down a pile of coagulated oats. It’s a texture thing. I get that.

Enter: Overnight Oats. Leaving oats to soak up the liquid of your choice over night in the fridge gives them a much chewier, less mushy consistency. Add in some yogurt or thickener of your choice and you have yourself a healthy treat that will literally hold your spoon up. Depending on your preference, you can add more yogurt and thickener or less liquid to get the exact, creamy texture that suits your style. There are so many options for flavor add-ins (more on that later) that the possibilities are endless. Another added benefit is since you made it the night before, they are already waiting for you to dive right in to. Bonus!

Let’s just take a moment to talk about how good oats actually are for us.

Studies show that a high intake of whole grains such as oatmeal reduce the risk of heart disease by 21%. Keep in mind the leading cause of death in the US is heart disease. If we can reduce our risk by as much as 21% simply by eating more oats, that seems like a worthy proposition to me.

Eating whole oats decreases cholesterol. In a world where unhealthy food, a sedentary lifestyle and even genes (thanks mom and dad!) make it easy to fall into bad habits, it’s imperative that we take our health into our own hands. What we put into our bodies is an easy way to take control.

Whole and steel oats can prevent sharp rises in blood sugar and insulin levels in diabetics. If you are one of the 10% in the US that have been diagnosed with diabetes, oats are for you! When trying to moderate diabetes by diet, it becomes apparent how many common place foods actually increase blood sugar levels. Even if you rely on medication to level out your insulin, diet still plays an important role in maintaining a healthy balance. Eating oats can help you achieve that. For more info on the health benefits of oats, check out this Harvard article.

Oats can be adjusted to fit almost any diet. Gluten free? No problem. Dairy free? Sure thing! Vegan or vegetarian? Got you covered. There are a variety of health, physical and social needs that call for different dietary restrictions. In so many of the common ones, oats fits the bill!

Now that you are convinced how versatile and good oats are for you, let’s dive into the fun stuff - delicious, creamy, melt in your mouth recipes that make you feel like you’re eating dessert all day, everyday. Seriously! They are that good!

Possibilities with overnight oats are endless! Once you have the oats, thickener, liquid and sweetener, you can add just about any combination of flavor, fruit or topping. Get creative with it.

Here are some of my personal favorites:

Dreamy Chocolate Pudding Overnight Oats

½ cup Oats

¼ cup Yogurt (DF works just as well as any)

3-4 Tbsp Milk (any variety - I usually use oat or cashew)

2-3 tsp Maple syrup (or sweetener of your choice)

2 tsp Cocoa powder

Mix everything together. Set in the fridge. Enjoy the next day.

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Overnight Oats

½ cup Oats

¼ cup Yogurt (DF works just as well as any)

3-4 Tbsp Milk (any variety - I usually use oat or cashew)

2-3 tsp Maple syrup

2 tsp Coco powder

2 tsp Peanut butter

Separate first 4 ingredients into two separate cups. Mix one ½ of mixture with cocoa powder. Mix the other half with peanut butter. Layer however you prefer. Set in the fridge. Enjoy the next day.

Cherry Almond Overnight Oats

½ cup Oats

¼ cup Yogurt (DF works just as well as any)

3-4 Tbsp Milk (any variety - I usually use oat or cashew)

2-3 tsp Maple syrup

½ tsp Almond extract (if you’re really feeling adventurous)

Small handful or ¼ cup Cherries (fresh, canned or even cherry jam)

2 Tbsp Sliced almonds (preferably toasted)

Toast almonds on the stove or in the oven. Keep an eye on them because they will burn quickly! Mix ingredients 1-5 in a cup. Put cherries on top. Sprinkle with toasted almonds. Refrigerate overnight. Enjoy!

These are just a few of the many options you have with overnight oats. The possibilities are endless. Go ahead. Give yourself the treat you deserve.

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