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Maternity Workouts That Kick Your Butt

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Have you been looking (hoping) for some maternity workouts that are safe for you and your baby but also as close to “real deal” as you were used to before? Then look no further! During my most recent pregnancy, I spent a lot of time doing the same thing. Here I’ll share some maternity workouts that actually kick your butt.

A few words of encouragement before we jump in...

The many phases of pregnancy. Let me preface this post by saying that every woman's pregnancy journey is different. Morning sickness, fatigue, uncharacteristic aches and pains, an expanded organ with a human growing inside and a new organ to nourish that human. These are just a few of the obstacles we face during the pregnancy phase. Each day, week, trimester will be different. Make peace with the fact that your body will be going through different phases during this time.

The Talk Test. Even for those that are feeling perfectly “normal” during pregnancy, modifications are still a must. While there are some conflicting thoughts on whether a strict heart rate must be followed, it’s still widely accepted to follow the “talk test”. Basically if you are having a hard time talking, it’s time to take it down a notch.

On your back or not? In addition to worrying about your heart rate and cardio reaction, oftentimes somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd trimester it’s either recommended or just plain necessary to avoid lying directly on your back. Again, there is a difference of opinion as to whether a 30 minute Pilates back session on the mat is harmful or not. The best thing I can say is, listen to your doctor. And of course…

Listen to your body. Listening to your body is one of the most important things you can do. I can’t say this enough - every body is different. Every pregnancy is different. Every day is different. What works for you in the beginning may not work for you towards the end. What works for you on Tuesday may not work for you on Friday. That’s okay! Our bodies go through incredible changes while growing a little human. It’s a time to be thankful for the opportunity and work within our limits. Even if they have changed drastically from what you are used to.

Embrace the changes. Let’s face it. Our bodies change during pregnancy. Hips (and therefore butts) get wider to accommodate birth. There is more cellulite as bodies retain fat and water while protecting and growing an unborn child. Stomachs get stretched to capacity, and beyond! There may be stretch marks in a variety of places. This isn’t even talking about the internal differences (joint and ligament pain, bladder changes, psychological impacts, etc.). Sometimes the changes are permanent. Sometimes the changes are for the foreseeable future. Whatever the case, this is your journey. It’s a special time for you and your unborn little one. Only you have this opportunity to connect with them and give them a head start on life. Embrace this time and the changes that go along with it.

All that being said, there are still ways to stay strong and healthy during pregnancy. If you are the type of person who looked forward to your cardio dance session or that sweaty HIIT workout, then you know it’s important to stay active during pregnancy. You may also have noticed that it’s a bit more difficult to find workouts that are close to what you were used to. So during my 40 week pregnancy journey I discovered a decent selection of workout videos that provide a good range of challenges while providing the modifications needed for pregnancy.

FIT by Laurie: Looking for strength or barre video classes that are challenging while still being safe for baby? FIT by Laurie has you covered. She has a variety of barre, strength and cardio videos that fit the bill. Not only are they designed specifically for pregnant mamas, they are also made to keep you in the best shape you can be while your body goes through these changes. She also has plenty of yoga and stretch videos to settle down with or for those days that your body just can’t handle that much.

Nourish Move Love: This girl means business! Her videos are designed specifically for mamas to be who have been working out prior to and continuously during pregnancy. With weight training and high intensity (not high impact) cardio, your blood will be pumping and your muscles will be working.

Bodyfit by Amie: These are some good, midrange workouts for my preggos out there. Some are more challenging than others. Some are lighter. If you are feeling like you can handle more, pair up a couple of videos or run through the same video twice.

Keri’s Pilates Room: This is a great pilates workout designed for the 1st and 2nd trimester. With modifications it can be done in the third as well. It was the closest pilates video I came across that reminded me of what I used to do before the baby bump. Note, there is a small jumping section. Just modify if needed. This girl doesn’t have many videos but enjoy what you get.

Christa DiPaolo on POPSUGAR Fitness: While Christa DiPaolo’s videos aren’t technically considered prenatal, most kickboxing can easily be accommodated for the mama-to-be’s. One of her videos even has POPSUGAR host Anna Renderer during her pregnant days. Not all of the moves are suitable for all trimesters. Those in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters want to avoid the full plank position, found also in burpees and pushups. It’s easy enough to swap in raised moves or use a wall during those times. DiPaolo’s videos will definitely get your heart rate up and your sweat glowing.

These are just a handful of the resources available. During my second pregnancy I relied on Youtube for workouts. During my first pregnancy I pretty much just looped the same 3 DVD’s over and over again. Find whatever approach works for you. Keep moving as best as you can. Stay positive. As always, be sure get the okay from your doctor.

Remember the incredible changes your body is going through now are for the special little peanut you are growing. They won’t last forever. Enjoy this time while you have the privilege.

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